Needles and Needling:
Typically acupuncture needles are no thicker than human hair. They are inserted into an Acupoint by an acupuncturist. This process is not painful, only when the needles make a contact with the Qi the patient experiences a sensation. This sensation could be a slight tingling, heaviness, grabbing or a slight electrical shock.
Needles used in our office are disposable, pre-sterilized that are individually packed and sealed. The cups used for cupping are plastic and one time use only. Herbs are also prescribed for a variety of symptoms. They are ordered from a very reputable company and they come in a variety of forms ranging from powder to pills and capsules. They are hassle free, no bad taste and ready for consumption.
We specialize in pain control and sport injuries. A combination of various procedures and techniques is used to achieve the highest results. Remember, chronic symptoms take a long time to be developed and it will also take some time for them to be alleviated.