
What conditions are treatable by Acupuncture?

In general Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can treat a wide variety of symptoms ranging from a common cold to cancer. Conditions that need immediate or urgent attention (i.e. surgeries) will not be treated by acupuncture. One of the major differences between Western and Oriental Medicine is that Western Medicine only treats the symptoms as oppose to Oriental Medicine, which treats the root of the problem and brings harmony and balance back to the body. Combination of Western and Oriental Medicine is considered a complete treatment.

How does Oriental Medicine work?

Several thousand years ago Chinese physicians discovered that the vital energy life force, which is called Qi (Chi) circulates throughout the whole body along some major channels or pathways called meridians. Qi believed to be responsible for nourishing, warming and protecting the whole body including skin, muscles, bones and internal organs. Total absence of Qi is death. It has been said that ones good health depends on a balanced distribution of Qi throughout the meridians network. Any misdirection, blockage, or other derangement of the amount, flow or balance of Qi may result in pain, dysfunction and ill health. The main concept of Oriental Medicine is to harmonize, balance the body, spirit and the mind.

How does the flow of Qi become blocked or unbalanced?

The balance of the Qi can be effected by, 1) Emotional responses to life such as worry, fear, anxiety and stress; 2) External substances such as heat, cold, wind, damp, infections and contagious diseases; 3) Physical reasons such as overwork, not enough sleep, poor nutrition and over sexual activities; 4) Trauma (such as an accident or an injury) and stagnation of blood.

What are the procedures to unblock and balance the Qi?

There are several methods that can be used to unblock and balance the Q: Procedures

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